Use Your Social Network to Help Pets

Pet Insurance  •  Pam Karkow  •  Tuesday, July 7, 2020

You know that tug you feel at your heartstrings when you see an adorable pup or kitten pop up on your Instagram feed? Or the rabbit hole you go down when you visit your local shelter’s Facebook page and “accidentally” land on their pets for adoption? Yeah, one look into those chocolate brown eyes, and I am done for! Which explains how our Hattie Bear ended up in her forever home.

Did you know June is Social Petworking Month? Social networking makes it easy to stay in touch with friends and loved ones by allowing us the ability to share with thousands of people with the click of a button. Petworking is no different and can be used to make an impact in the lives of pets needing homes across the country. So how can you embrace Social Petworking Month? Visit your local shelter’s website or social media page and get to work!

Share pictures of adoptable pets

Who can resist an adorable kitten casually cocking her head for a photo op? That’s what I found when I visited my local shelter’s Facebook page. Click the share button and share that cuteness on your own page. The more pictures of these adoptable pets get shared, the higher the likelihood of them finding a loving home. 

Like and comment on adoption sites/posts

Use your social media reach to help by commenting on shelter pet’s photos and liking pages that encourage adoption and compassion for animals. If you have experience with adoption, share the benefits of adopting versus going through a breeder. See our post, Adopt a Shelter Pet to read more about the perks of adoption.

Start a Facebook fundraiser for your favorite rescue or shelter

Try hosting a fundraiser using social media to spread the word. Many people want to help shelter organizations and the pets they serve but are not in a place to welcome a pet into their own home. Raising money or collecting donations is a great way to help. Shelters need monetary donations to help with medical bills, food, toys, blankets, and towels for the animals in their care. Using social media to advertise your fundraiser can help extend your impact.

Nominate an organization or individual for Animaltarian of the Year

The Animaltarian of the Year contest takes place every year and donates $5,000 to the winner to use to support animals in need. This year’s contest begins in late August when the public can nominate a person who supports animal welfare or an animal who supports human welfare! The contest uses public voting and social media promotion along with a panel of animal experts as judges to choose the winner!

Share relevant animal health articles

Social petworking month can be more than just promoting animals to find them homes. In many instances, pets are given up because owners feel they can’t care for the animals anymore or can’t afford their veterinary care. Sharing relevant pet health and ownership articles can help educate potential pet owners in the responsibilities of owning a pet. It can also introduce them to pet insurance which can help make unexpected accidents and illnesses more affordable.

Do your part!

Sharing adorable pictures of animals in need of a permanent home is encouraged (and appreciated!) year-round. But during June, you can do your part to incorporate Social Petworking into your agenda. By sharing and commenting on pictures of adoptable pets and organizing fundraisers to give back to shelters in your community, you can help raise awareness of pets who are in need. And if you do decide to welcome a furry friend into your home, you can take advantage of pet insurance for your newly adopted dog or cat to ensure you can afford high-quality veterinary care without worrying over the cost!

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