Whether you own a pet or are simply looking for a way to make a positive impact in the world, there are a few things anyone can do to change a pet’s life...
Put your pet first
Take a look at your calendar in the morning and build in time for him or her. Need ideas? We’ve got you covered with Five Ways to Make Time For Your Pet. Make the time you are scheduling for your dog as important in your schedule as a work meeting.
Making time to exercise your dog can reap enormous benefits as far as his or her health is concerned. Even when it is cold outside, you can make it happen! My husband and I took our dog on her regular six-mile walk the other day, all bundled up in our coats, hats, and gloves, and we were remarking on the fact that it does take time to plan the best time for a walk. But when it is planned, it happens! In the winter, we wait for the sun to come up, and in the heat of the summer, we rise as early as possible to walk her. When you invest in your dog’s health, the return on investment is huge. Exercising your dog prevents obesity, and can add years to his or her life. That means more time to spend with your best friend!
Tell your adoption story
A few years ago, after our hearts had healed from losing our first dog, we realized we were ready for to adopt a new pet. Our house was not a home without the familiar clicking of a dog’s toenails following us around on the hardwood floors, the tangle of paws and cold nose greeting us when we came home, and the long walks ending in sprawling “frog” legs and happy panting. But we also knew we did not want the responsibility of raising a puppy. So, we started investigating adoption.
We found Hattie on the Golden Retriever Rescue Club of Charlotte’s website, and it was pretty much love at first sight. She had already been housebroken, she was past the chewing stage (mostly), and yet she still had tons of energy. When we went to meet her, she chased a ball tirelessly, gave us giant doggy kisses, and followed us around lovingly. She was perfect. And still is. Many people do not understand the sheer joy of adoption, so it is up to those of us who’ve had genuinely amazing experiences to share and encourage them to look into adoption for themselves!
Adopt a pet
By adopting, we gave a dog whose owners could no longer care for her a loving home. We also avoided the fees associated with purchasing a dog from a breeder. Usually, when you adopt a pet, the cost of spay/neuter, first vaccinations, and microchipping are included in the adoption price. If your new pet doesn’t come with these costs included, PetPartners wellness plan can help reimburse you for preventative care such as these!
Volunteer at a shelter
Maybe you do not have the time or energy to devote to adopting a dog right now, but you could still give your time at a shelter! Shelters have many needs from walking dogs to collecting food to planning special events. You can give as little or as much time as your schedule allows. I have been looking for a place for my kids to get involved in a volunteer capacity, so I have signed my youngest up to volunteer at a local animal shelter. He is very shy and tends to be nervous around people he does not know. But he seems to instantly connect with animals and loves petting and caring for dogs and cats.
Sponsor a pet
If you have physical limitations that will not allow you to visit a shelter, you can still consider sponsoring a dog. Sponsoring a pet ensures that food, medication, veterinary care, and supplies are available for a dog or cat in need.
Improve your pet's health
A great way to improve your pet's life is to invest in their health! Enroll your pet in pet health insurance so you can afford to provide the best veterinary care when they need it. Get a quote today!
So, what’s stopping you from changing a pet’s life? The celebration of this national holiday is a perfect time to give your time or resources. Go ahead--make a pet’s day!!!